Friends, if you are searching on Google How to earn money from Telegram, then you have come to the right place because in this post today I will tell you with details how you can make money from Telegram as Telegram is a social platform. Here you will have to do a small job and from here you can earn a lot of money. There are many people on telegram who are earning monthly millions, then you can easily earn monthly or thousands by making channels on telegram, so today In this article, I will tell you some ways by which you can earn more from telegram, if you also want to earn money on Aligram, then read this post completely.
#1] How to create a telegram channel;
Friends, first open the Telegram application, and as soon as you open the application, after that you click on the three-dot on the right corner,
then you will see the first option, the new group, and the third number option will be shown.
If you want to create a group within the Telegram application, you can easily do it first and if you want to create a channel inside the Telegram then you can do that easily and talk about earning You can do both of them, but tell me that Telegram does not give you money, but the way I will tell you, you can easily earn money from Telegram.
The first thing you need to do is to create a group inside Telegram. Or channel, if you want to create a channel, then you can easily create a channel and design it, after that, you will have to keep the name of the channel which is like a branded name, and create a channel logo.
Friends, you have created a channel, but you have to dissect what type of content will be put on it, I am suggesting you some things like a gadget, education, and link shortener, you can put this kind of content on your channel so that your good happiness Can be earning.
#2} How to grow Telegram channel.
Friends, in order to earn more from your channel, your channel should have more subscribers or members, only then you can earn as much as possible, then I will tell you some tips and tricks that will make your channel grow and you will be earning well.
Now to grow the channel, you have to first enter Daily 2 posts on your Telegram channel. And you will have to share the link of your telegram more and more on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, where to share the link and join more and more members
if you have more money then you can make your telegram channel any other telegram channel You can promote, but you have to pay them, in this way your channel will grow and you will be able to earn well.
#3} how to earn money from telegram
Friends, you have also created a channel and made your channel grow well, now it comes to how you can make money from your telegram channel, friends, in whatever category you have created your telegram channel such as education to education Meaning, whatever book we buy online,
you will have to share the link of that book on your telegram, if you buy a book from your gender, then you will be benefited there and there is a second gadget friend like you know on Amazon.
There are many gadgets, you have to do affiliate marketing within Amazon, for that you must have an affiliate account within Amazon, then you can easily create and your affiliate link will be that link of the gadget on your telegram channel if your If you purchase Kohi gadgets from gender,
you will earn well. And if you want to work on the link shortener site, then you have to create an account on it and from there you can earn by sharing the shortener link.
Friends, the way we have mentioned above, how to earn money from telegram, in this way you can earn well from Telegram.