#3 how to earn money from quora

how to earn money from quora

In this world, everyone has some knowledge or information, and if we share that information, that means someone can speak to us, then they can get us in the form of money, friends, in today’s post I will tell you about such best site I am going to tell you that you can earn money by answering questions on this site, how to earn money from quora

there are many people here who are earning a thousand rupees monthly and only by sharing their knowledge with others, you can also share your knowledge with others and their Answer questions and you can earn a good amount from here,

which platform is this and how to work here, you should read this post in full detail in this post.

Friends, in the world of internet, there are many sites where you get answers to questions and there are many sites where you can answer your questions by asking and using those answers within quora and from here you can earn well enough.

And we will tell you how you will be asked questions on this site and how to answer them so that you can earn well.

#1 create a new account on quora

Friends, to work on quora.com right now, you must first create an account. To create an account, you need an email ID and phone number and after that, your internet connection should be good. First of all, you have to go to quora.com And as soon as you go to the official site, you will see the option of sign up there,

there is one from Google and the other is Facebook, who do you want to login with, then click on it and you have to sign up manually. For this, you will see on the right calling,

email ID and password is simple to enter your email ID and password and after doing this your account will be created. And as soon as you sign up, you will be asked your interest in front, so here you will have to select your 10 interests. and follow 5 people click to the next page.

#2 How to answer questions

Friends, like you have completed all the steps, then you will reach the dashboard of the direct quora, then you have to answer the question and ask questions like this, then you can see any question from step by step. Ho and you can tell the answer and here is how you earn, how to earn money from quora 

Friends, if you want to increase your knowledge by looking at the question’s answer or taking any question’s answer, then what you need to do for it is to click on the answer of the second number option on the dashboard of quora. And as you click on the answer, there you will find a lot of comments and questions,

which you can double your knowledge by reading, and if you have to put your question there, then you can see the left site for that answer request there. You click and whatever question you have, you have to type it there and from there,

any person will answer you, this will increase your knowledge and talk about how to earn now.

#3 how to earn money from quora

Friends, talk now to earn money, you can earn money from quora side, but there is a different way to earn money here, first of all here you will have to publish minimum 100 questions on your profile, after that you will get direct with quora platform.

Contact partner program otherwise you have to apply, what you need to do is go to the site of simple quora, after that click on the profile and you will see the partner program,

then you have to click on it and like you click on the partner program If you do, a new dashboard will be opened in front of you, then here you have to add money withdrawal method, then here you have to add PayPal as soon as your account becomes $ 5,

after that you can verify your PayPal account and Just like if you get $ 10, then the quora side send you to your PayPal account, then you can earn money from the quora side.


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