how to make money with affiliate marketing

how to make money with affiliate marketing

Friends, in today’s post, we will tell you what affiliate marketing is and what are the best affiliate marketing programs and how to make money with affiliate marketing. There are many people who are earning money while sitting at home by doing affiliate marketing. Also,

if you want to earn money by doing affiliate marketing, then read this post completely because in this post I have told you about some of the best affiliate program sites on which you can earn a lot by working. We will tell you how you can promote your product as much as possible, and how you can sell your product as much as possible, we will tell you everything in this post that you will get more commission means that you can earn well.

Friends, first of all, we talk about what is affiliate marketing, friends affiliate marketing is a kind of side business that any man can easily do as if you have a friend who has to purchase a product. If he does, he will see a lot of products on Google, he needs the information of the product there and will click on that site and as he clicks on that site, he will see all the details of that product there if he likes that product very much.

If gone, that person will click on the link of that product, then he will directly go to that site. This site contains the real information of the product such as Amazon, Flipkart, and many other sites. If he goes to buy any product from that side, then his commission will go directly to the fellow whose friend visited your site.

best affiliate program sites

  • amazon affiliate program 

Friends, if you want to do affiliate marketing for the first time, then Amazon affiliate marketing is the best way, because friends, there are many people here who are earning millions by doing affiliate marketing and on this, you can create a seller account for free.

I will tell you how to open a cellar account in Amazon and some new ways that I am going to tell you in this post before we know how much commission Amazon pays on each product. Friends, Amazon commission will give you according to the value of that product Commissions such as 5% commission on consumer electronics. Amazon pays 10 % commission on all devices including the Kindle device.

  • Flipkart affiliate program 

Friends and talk about affiliate marketing, Flipcard is also amazing, here you get a very good commission, like here if you sell an electric device, you get a 6% commission and if you end up in fashion and If you sell a stylish category product, here you get 8% commission which is very amazing and if you sell a book or laptop electric, then you get 5% commission here, then how do you create an account here I am going to tell you next steps in this post.

how to create Amazon seller account 

Go to the official site of Amazon, click on the Associate page there, you will see the option of sign in below, then you have to click there and you will be asked some personal information such as your mobile number, Gmail id, PAN card then there You will have to do all this, as soon as you put all the details there, the board presented before you will open, then you will have to find the products you want to sell and click on those products,

then a product link there Option will come by clicking there on the top side and copying the gender of that product and sharing that link on all your social media platforms and if you have a site then you can put that code on this site, you will find it good You can earn a lot and to increase maximum sales,

you will get many pages on Facebook, you will have to share the link of the product on that facbook page so that your products will get more and more and you can earn more here Your minimum payout will be ₹ 2500 which will be credited to your bank account. Will be received but she gets it after 60 days and likewise sells your product as much as possible and from here you can earn a lot of commission.

how to create Flipkart seller account 

To create a Flipkart seller account, first, you have to go to the official site of Flipkart and as you go to the official site of Flipkart, then you will see the option of Join Now, then you have to click on it and flip some personal details there. It will be such as email id, phone number, password, you have to log in on Flipkart’s site and after login,

you will see the option of register on the right side, then you have to click on it and there you will find your site You will have to paste the URL of it and below you will be asked about the payment details, you will have to fill your payment details there and at the same time you will also have to enter the PAN card number because this payment will be sent directly to your bank account. Goes and after doing all this,

now you have to sell the product, for that you have to come to Flipkart’s Cadashboard and find the product here, which you have to sell on your website and copy the link to that product on your site. Paste and if anyone from your side If you purchase the product, you will be given a Flipkart commission which will be credited to your bank account.

Friends, in this post I have told you how to make money with affiliate marketing, you must have liked this post, then you must share the friend family so that they can also earn a lot of money by doing affiliate marketing. Thanks for reading my articles